Saturday, April 16, 2005

Basket Weaving 101

I was glad that Thursday's AAUW meeting included something really fun so I could keep my mind off the ultrasound on Friday. We were going to do basket weaving. Uh, did I say fun? Imagine 30 college-educated women mumbling "over, under, over, under, over ... dammit." But the instructors assured us that after we got the first two rows done, the rest would be easy. I didn't believe them. I kept thinking "And they have people do this to relieve stress?" I was ready to cry and throw my 2-rowed basket across the room. But the third row was easier, and it did get easier after that. I still don't know how women in the old days weaved a basket, went out and picked berries and nuts to put in the basket, then went home and cooked dinner ... with no Xanax to calm them down. But, now that it's over, and my basket doesn't look too bad for a first attempt, I might try it again.

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