Wednesday, April 06, 2005

My prediction

Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, Archbishop of Milan

My longshot prediction:

Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, Archbishop of Washington
He's a longshot because I think the sex abuse scandal is still too fresh in everyone's mind. However, there's a saying that goes "If a cardinal goes into the conclave thinking he'll come out a pope, he'll come out a cardinal." McCarrick has been saying that of the 117 eligible cardinals, 116 would make a good pope. He would not. That's the right attitude.

Runner-up predictions:

Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn of Vienna
The only problem I see with him is that he's too young. The cardinals might not want another long papacy.

Cardinal Francis Arinze
I'm not sure the world is ready for a black pope, despite the fact that (whether they want to admit it or not) geography tells us that Jesus was not a white man.

Non-papal prediction:

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner will break up soon. He will then hook up with Jennifer Aniston.

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