Tuesday, April 05, 2005


The Best Friend calls me a few times a week, mostly when he's driving home from work. During every single call there is one "moron" who does something stupid on the road. Cuts him off, almost rear-ends his vehicle. Well, you name it. Yesterday, the person ahead of him was attempting to merge but was going "4 miles an hour and ran out of road." Of course that lead to yet another discussion of bad drivers. He told me he thinks his state passed a law that he didn't hear about: People making left turns get the right of way. Before I tell you what he said about this, I have to tell you that a couple of days ago when I was at a four-way stop some idiot follwed the car in front of him through the intersection instead of waiting for me and the other motorist at the opposite stop sign to go. I said "In what alternate universe would it be your turn to go?" Back to yesterday. The best friend said "In what alternate universe does someone making a left turn have the right-of-way?" Are we in sync or what?

This story doesn't have to do with driving. It's about parking. When I go to my favorite convenience store I always park in the same place so I don't have to back out. I just pull out, go around the building and back onto the street. Well, yesterday I pulled into my spot. A van pulled up and parked diagonally in front of me. Diagonally! (and I don't care if I didn't spell it correctly). That, of course, meant I had to back up before I pulled out. It was no great hardship. It was just the principle of the thing.

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