Saturday, April 09, 2005

I need opinions

Primary elections are being held here on May 17. As many of you may know, to get on the ballot a candidate needs a certain number of signatures of registered voters on nominating petitions. I signed the petition of a friend of mine who is running for a county position. Today in the mail I received a form letter from his opponent, the incumbent. It started with "I am writing to you because you signed my opponent's nominating petition ..." I am so angry right now because of the letter that I penned a reply. (Okay. I typed it.) I'm going to post the letter with some of the identifying (and Google-able) details left out. People who know me in person read this blog and I don't want them to form opinions of this guy based on what I write here. (Egotistical of me to think that would happen, isn't it?)

Before I post my letter to him, here is the sentence in his letter than raised my ire more than anything else:

"I have worked diligently to earn your confidence and respect."

Here's my reply:

Dear Mr. Candidate

I have never responded to a political candidates' propoganda before but, I was so infuriated after receiving your letter, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I didn't say something.

In the eight years I've worked for the newspaper I have interviewed you many times, both in person and over the phone. In fact, the first time you ran for the position I conducted the interview that ran in the election guide. I have been at several business-related events in your office. Before I moved out of the area in 2001 I was the beat that involved you directly reporter for the newspaper, meaning I was in your office an average of once a week.

So, as you can see, we've had quite a bit of contact since I started working for the newspaper in 1995. However, last Tuesday I passed you on the street and said "Hi your first name." Not only did you not respond, you looked as if you'd never even seen me before.

I don't usually tell people who I'm going to vote for but I just wanted to give you some food for thought.


Anne my last name (as if regular readers don't know that already)

So, my question is: Would you send it? (By the way, since I blew off steam this way, I'll probably be able to live with myself even if I don't send it.)

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