Friday, July 16, 2004


Weekend Wonderings

1. Do you considar yourself healthy?
Yes. I didn't for years, but now I think I'm healthier than I've ever been ... and it feels great!
2. How important is being healthy to you?
Very. That wasn't always the case, but as I see other people who aren't healthy (including my mother) I realize how important it really is.
3. Do you care what other poeple think about your health?
Except for my doctor, no. The only person I have to prove anything to is myself. (Thanks Steve *s*)

Friday's Feast

Make a sentence using the letters of your favorite color. (Example: BLUE - Bob loves using eggs.)
Girls rock even everyone not-girl-age.

If you were to be stranded on a deserted island and could only have one CD to listen to, which one would you want it to be?
Yikes! Only one?? This is a tough one, but I'll pick Billy Joel's The Stranger. It's not necessarily my favorite, but I never get sick of listening to it.

How many people have you kissed in your lifetime?
Holy smokes! Right off the top of my head I can think of 30. If I thought about it, I'm sure there would be more.

Main Course
Someone offers to give you $2 million, but says you can only have it if you will give half of it to charity. Which good cause would you donate the $1 million to?
The American Cancer Society

What would you like to name your next pet?
Jake, and he'd be a dog.

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