Monday, August 22, 2005

Knock it Off!

Hey, Old Guy! When you're standing behind me in the checkout line at the grocery store, I don't think it matters how many times you hit me with your shopping cart. The cashier is not going to go any faster and I'm not moving until I get my change. On second thought, I might move ... to turn around and shove the shopping cart back at you. Old age is no excuse for being rude.


(S)wine said...

Hey, if you're an "author" you might want to re-think your syntax on the header. As in: I'm a 40-something white chick author, artist and geek living in a small town and still trying to find out who I am and what I want to do with my life.

Anne said...

Had you ever been here before and actually read some of my posts, perhaps you would know that I don't feel the need to be "perfect" here. Professional writers need time relax and not follow the rules sometimes ... when they're not getting paid to write.

But thanks for pointing that out.