Saturday, August 06, 2005

Post #23

The doctor said he would give me some time to think about it, then I needed to come back with my mother, or sister, or someone, so we could talk about it some more. By the time that appointment rolled around, I had already decided to do it. If it was going to make all the pain and everything else go away, do it.

Although I was ready to have it done, I was still hoping I wouldn't have to have a total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH). I was scared to death of having surgery. I mean, I hadn't even been a patient in a hospital since I was 8 years old. But, after I told him I wanted the surgery, he did an exam to see if it could be done vaginally. Because I had never given birth, I knew that was only a remote possibility. When I saw the look on his face I said, “No chance?” He said, “No chance at all.”

When we went out to the receptionist to schedule the surgery, she asked him when he wanted it done. He said, “As soon as possible.” That kind of surprised me because I know of women who have waited months to have it done. “As soon as possible” for me ended up being three weeks, May 12. I later learned the reason for that is the tumors were growing rapidly. Actually, I knew that. I could feel it. But hearing it was a bit of a surprise.

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