Tuesday, August 09, 2005

More on Synchronicity

Yesterday I e-mailed The Best Friend about synchronicity and the improper use of the word. I'm tellin' ya, when I need validation on how I'm feeling about something, the man never lets me down. "Isn't synchronicity a Jung concept?" he asked. Yes. Yes, it is. Even the dictionary says that.

Over the years, the misuse of the word has become rampant. It's not unlike the misuse of "utilize," which is not interchangeable with "use." For example, as the dictionary says:

The teachers were unable to use the new computers might mean only that the teachers were unable to operate the computers, whereas The teachers were unable to utilize the new computers suggests that the teachers could not find ways to employ the computers in instruction.

As I said yesterday, you have to know the right word to get your meaning across.

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