Saturday, August 06, 2005

Post #10

When I was in California, I began developing other problems: night sweats, hot flashes, insomnia. Also, the blood started looking strange. It wasn't always red. In fact, on the first day, it was always brownish spotting. I also started passing clots, some as big as plums. I know other women pass bigger clots but, a plum is still a pretty darn big thing to be coming out of ya. The insomnia is what led me to believe I was starting perimenopause. I would go to bed at 11 p.m. then wake up at 1:50 a.m. and not be able to get back to sleep. During one extremely frustrating early morning, I got on the Internet and did a search for my symptoms. I came across a message board on which women were discussing their symptoms, many of which I had. Because the discussion centered on menopause and perimenopause, I believed that's what was causing my problems as well. It's silly now to think that's what I thought, considering I'd been having these problems since I was teen-ager. But, hey, I was just looking for answers and, because of how much I was suffering, I wasn't really thinking straight.

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