Saturday, August 06, 2005

Post #12

Although my periods weren't regular, at least I only had them once a month and, for the most part they lasted about a week. There were a few times they'd go as long as 10 days, though. All that changed in July 2002. I had to come back to Pennsylvania because my mom was hospitalized and would need someone to help her when she got home. I had a period right before I left California so I was grateful that I wouldn't have to deal with that for a few weeks. But, as I was sitting on my mom's front porch one night, two weeks after my period ended, I felt a gush. At first, I thought it was my imagination. Then it happened again and I knew it was real. Because I'd read so much about perimenopause and knew one of the symptoms was spotting between periods, that's what I told myself it was. I refused to tell myself that saturating an “overnight” pad every hour for three hours is not spotting. I also told myself it happened because of the stress I felt from my mom's illness and the cross-country bus trip.

I'm really dumb sometimes. ;)

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